Our mission is to democratize tutoring.
Who can tutor? Anyone. Who can learn? Everyone.
The quickest, easiest, and most affordable way to give and get help on all schoolwork from your peers in high school and college.
On campus and in the classroom, students ask for and receive help from one another. SocraTeach recreates these in-person interactions virtually by swiftly and seamlessly connecting students who are in need of help with students willing and able to help.
Bite-sized learning
Outside the classroom, students learn by solving individual problems that reinforce concepts taught in the classroom. SocraTeach focuses on this type of bite-sized learning by leveraging short-form sessions (10-15 minutes) to streamline tutoring, making it the fastest and most efficient way to get help.
Easily switch between learning and teaching
Need help? Simply toggle your role to learn, upload a picture of your problem, and wait for an offer from a tutor standing by to help!
Want to earn some quick cash? Toggle your role to teach and swipe through problems uploaded by your peers!
Get paid to tutor your peers
Quickly earn cash that can be transferred to your bank account at any time or used to fund your own problem-solving sessions.
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Refer friends and earn up to $10 when you create an account in the app at launch.